Kaiden MaleNinjaFrog SFW (Blender 2.93, VRChat, SFM)
Kaiden MaleNinjaFrog Model Pack Includes:
A Male Ninja Frog with plenty of outfits and accessories and built with tons of support on multiple platforms!
-Blender 2.93 IK File with packed textures into the .blend file
-All textures and Alternative textures are held in their folder names
-IK Rigging Support
-Facial ShapeKeys for multiple expressions
-Driver Support for clothing and alt texture
-Multiple Outfits that can be used for the model. With Shapekey support for the Body mesh
-Ninja Outfits
-Casual Cloths and Swimwear
-Skimpy Outfit
-All textures and Alternative textures are held in the materials folder which can be swapped too.
-Facial ShapeKeys for multiple expressions
-Multiple Outfits that can be used for the model. With Shapekey support for the Body mesh
-Full Body Support VRChat unity package.
-3.0/Advanced Menu outfits support
-Right and Left Hand Gestures For Expressions
-Phys Bones Support (VRChat)
Thanks Dransvitry for the SFM Port: https://twitter.com/Dransvitry?s=20
3D Model Creator: Okamical https://twitter.com/Okamical1?s=20
A Male Ninja Frog to Make Art and Play with